Archive for the category “Square foot gardening”

January 19 Tour

peppers blushing

peppers blushing


cluster hues

cluster hues

grape like

grape like

roma tomatoes

roma tomatoes





san marzanos growing through the cold

san marzanos growing through the cold


flowering mustard which I pulled out

flowering mustard which I pulled out

I've pulled out some of the flowering collards, especially the ones cabbage loopers took over.. and planted thinned out kale seedlings, after adding my home made compost as a mulch of course.

I’ve pulled out some of the flowering collards, especially the ones cabbage loopers took over.. and planted thinned out kale seedlings, after adding my home made compost as a mulch of course.

I've pulled out some of the flowering collards, especially the ones cabbage loopers took over.. and planted thinned out kale seedlings, after adding my home made compost as a mulch of course.

I’ve pulled out some of the flowering collards, especially the ones cabbage loopers took over.. and planted thinned out kale seedlings, after adding my home made compost as a mulch of course.

the cutest sun cherries

the cutest sun cherries

pak choi is flowering

purslane pettuce

purslane pettuce

January 4 Closeups

leaf lettuce mix

leaf lettuce mix



pak choi

pak choi

roma tomato

roma tomato

beef steak

beef steak

roma tomato

roma tomato

san marzano

san marzano

roma tomato

roma tomato













parsley mix

parsley mix

beet leaves

beet leaves



Planted Raised Beds Available For Delivery!

With the success of my own square foot gardening raised beds, I was getting a lot of requests from readers to create raised beds for sale, so I’ve made a limited number of these beds which are made of high quality red wood and are planted with the best leafy greens to last until May.
The beds come in two sizes 1×3 ft squared and 2×4 ft squared.

    If interested, please email for details.

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20 Days Later

Snaps From The Garden

Today, the weather is beautiful with bright sunshine and a cool breeze, this weather is tomatoes’ favorite, so I’m happy to see tomatoes responding well to the sunshine after a week of cloudy, dark weather.

One of the beefsteak tomatoes has several ‘superbloom’ or ‘megabloom‘ flowers. Which is basically two or more flowers in one, giving the fruit a weird, large shape.. megablooms are the conjoined twins of tomatoes. I look forward to the freaky fruit to come.
One of the megablooms seems to think its a sunflower, its streched out and standing tall the same way, I’ve never seen anything like it.

Coming Soon!

With the success my raised beds have had last year, I decided to create better, more beginner friendly raised beds to sell to all of you readers eager to start gardening but with no idea how..


Stay tuned for my announcement soon!

Follow The Bee

My garden is buzzing with bees thanks to my tomato and pepper flowers.
Here is a garden photo tour brought to you by this pepper crazy bee:

November 23 Photo Tour

What’s Growing?

The cool season is finally here, and here’s whats growing in my square foot raised bed garden..

You can go through these photos for a garden tour:

A reader’s SFG experience

One of my very special readers Ahmed Alkandari who also blogs himself is starting his own square foot garden in his home.
He is following the Mel Barthalomew method, and has been seeing its Kuwaiti results through my experience.
This is truly the best feedback I can get; that I’ve proven to you that it does all grow in Kuwait, and inspired you enough to try it for your self.

Lets take a look at Ahmed’s work,

He created a plan for his raised beds. A plan is very important to help you stay organised and prepared.

He started his seeds indoors under fluorescent lights, weeks before the planting season.

He constructed his beds, and got his soil ingredients.
Ahmed is using his homemade compost which is very impressive, his plants will thank him.

He created Mel’s Mix which is a third of compost,perlite, and peat moss.

After mixing, he filled his beds.

He even constructed protective chicken wire covers, to protect against birds.

Next he planted out his beds with the seedlings.

Everything looks amazing, I am personally very proud of Ahmed, who is now inspiring me. Excellent, clean work. I am looking forward to seeing his happy garden grow.

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